Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hero, Captain and Stranger
A film by João Pedro Vale based on Herman Melville's Moby-Dick / Written and directed by João Pedro Vale and Nuno Alexandre Ferreira / With Anton Dickson, Tecco Ribeiro, Drako, Thomas McKean / And João dos Santos Martins, Rui Ferreira, Carlos Almeida, Bruno Abreu, André E. Teodósio, Nuno Alexandre Ferreira, João Pedro Vale, Pedro Rodrigues, Luís Royal, Ynaie Dawson, Tiago Borges, Ana Pérez-Quiroga and Miguel Faro.

November 10th 2009, 9.30pm, Cine Paraíso, Lisbon.
(18+18=36) birthday cake, Lisbon.

alain, Lisbon.
Kiki, Maggie & JP on my birthday, maria caxuxa, Lisbon.

birthday dinner, esperança, Lisbon.
green monkey, Lisbon.
the incredibles, Lisbon.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

fire, Olaias, Lisbon.

at the studio, Olaias, Lisbon.

me and my brother, New York.
by gruberovas

Stella McCartney shop window, New York.
by gruberovas
Moschino shop window, New York.
by gruberovas
in front of Alexander McQueen shop, New York.
in the bathroom of Dietmar, Wien.
by gruberovas
questions & google (if you have google why do you need church?), New York.
by gruberovas

Friday, October 16, 2009

"Hero, Captain and Stranger" a film by João Pedro Vale. Coming soon...
(in the photo: Anton Dickson)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Viktor&Rolf Spring/Summer 10, Paris.
(Roisín Murphy on the pedestal)
Rick Owens Spring/Summer 10, Paris.
Rick Owens Fall/Winter 09/10, Paris.
Domir Doma Spring/Summer 10, Paris.
Damir Doma Fall/Winter 09/10, Paris.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009