Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Scott Matthew again, Metropolitan bar, Brooklyn, New York.

In front of Standard Hotel, New York.

At Sea restaurant, New York.
Taxi Driver, New York.
by gruberovas
Couple, New York.
Couples, New York.
After the storm, Brooklyn, New York.
Subway, New York.
by gruberovas

At Tommy's rooftop party, East Village, New York.
by nuno & gruberovas
JP, Sylvia and me, New York.

Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.
by gruberovas

Saturday afternoon, Bedford Avenue, Williamsburg.

at Studio Museum Harlem, New York.
Sylvia through the window, New York.
Stella McCarthey's shop window, New York.
by gruberovas
Work in progress. New York.

Work in progress, Williamsburg bridge, New York.